Hawaii Seal Hawaii Revised Statutes


Maintenance of channels, streambeds, streambanks, and

[§46-11.5] Maintenance of channels, streambeds, streambanks, and drainageways. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, each county shall provide for the maintenance of channels, streambeds, streambanks, and drainageways, whether natural or artificial, including their exits to the ocean, in suitable condition to carry off storm waters; and for the removal from the channels, streambeds, streambanks, and drainageways and from the shores and beaches any debris which is likely to create an unsanitary condition or otherwise become a public nuisance; provided that to the extent any of the foregoing work is a private responsibility the responsibility may be enforced by the county in lieu of the work being done at county expense, and any private entity or person refusing to comply with any final order issued by the county shall be in violation of this chapter and be liable for a civil penalty not to exceed $500 for each day the violation continues; provided further that it shall be the responsibility of the county to maintain all channels, streambeds, streambanks, and drainageways unless such channels, streambeds, streambanks, and drainageways are privately owned or owned by the State, in which event such channels, streambeds, streambanks, and drainageways shall be maintained by their respective owners. [L 1986, c 121, §2]