Hawaii Seal Hawaii Revised Statutes




Revision Note

Sections 46-141 to 46-148, enacted as a new chapter, are codified to this chapter pursuant to §23G-15(1).

§46-141 Definitions. As used in this part, unless the context requires otherwise:

“Board” means the board of water supply or water board of any county.

“Capital improvements” means the acquisition of real property, improvements to expand capacity and serviceability of existing public facilities, and the development of new public facilities.

“Comprehensive plan” means a coordinated land use plan for the development of public facilities within the jurisdiction of a county based on existing and anticipated needs, showing existing and proposed developments, stating principles to which future development should conform, such as the county’s general plans, development plans, or community plans, and the manner in which development should be controlled. In the case of the city and county of Honolulu, public facility maps shall be equivalent to the comprehensive plan required in this part.

“County” or “counties” means the city and county of Honolulu, the county of Hawaii, the county of Kauai, and the county of Maui.

“Credits” means the present value of past or future payments or contributions, including, but not limited to, the dedication of land or construction of a public facility made by a developer toward the cost of existing or future public facility capital improvements, except for contributions or payments made under a development agreement pursuant to section 46-123.

“Developer” means a person, corporation, organization, partnership, association, or other legal entity constructing, erecting, enlarging, altering, or engaging in any development activity.

“Development” means any artificial change to real property that requires a grading or building permit as appropriate, including, but not limited to, construction, expansion, enlargement, alteration, or erection of buildings or structures.

“Discount rate” means the interest rate, expressed in terms of an annual percentage, that is used to adjust past or future financial or monetary payments to present value.

“Impact fees” means the charges imposed upon a developer by a county or board to fund all or a portion of the public facility capital improvement costs required by the development from which it is collected, or to recoup the cost of existing public facility capital improvements made in anticipation of the needs of a development.

“Needs assessment study” means a study required under an impact fee ordinance that determines the need for a public facility, the cost of development, and the level of service standards, and that projects future public facility capital improvement needs; provided that the study shall take into consideration and incorporate any relevant county general plan, development plan, or community plan.

“Non-site related improvements” means land dedications or the provision of public facility capital improvements that are not for the exclusive use or benefit of a development and are not site-related improvements.

“Offset” means a reduction in impact fees designed to fairly reflect the value of non-site related public facility capital improvements provided by a developer pursuant to county land use provisions.

“Present value” means the value of past or future payments adjusted to a base period by a discount rate.

“Proportionate share” means the portion of total public facility capital improvement costs that is reasonably attributable to a development, less:

(1) Any credits for past or future payments, adjusted to present value, for public facility capital improvement costs made or reasonably anticipated to be contributed by a developer in the form of user fees, debt service payments, taxes, or other payments; or

(2) Offsets for non-site related public facility capital improvements provided by a developer pursuant to county land use provisions.

“Public facility capital improvement costs” means costs of land acquisition, construction, planning and engineering, administration, and legal and financial consulting fees associated with construction, expansion, or improvement of a public facility. Public facility capital improvement costs do not include expenditures for required affordable housing, routine and periodic maintenance, personnel, training, or other operating costs.

“Reasonable benefit” means a benefit received by a development from a public facility capital improvement that is greater than the benefit afforded the general public in the jurisdiction imposing the impact fees. Incidental benefit to other developments shall not negate a “reasonable” benefit to a development.

“Recoupment” means the proportionate share of the public facility capital improvement costs of excess capacity in existing capital facilities where excess capacity has been provided in anticipation of the needs of a development.

“Site-related improvements” means land dedications or the provision of public facility capital improvements for the exclusive use or benefit of a development or for the provision of safe and adequate public facilities related to a particular development. [L 1992, c 282, pt of §2; am L 2001, c 235, §1]