Hawaii Seal Hawaii Revised Statutes


Concurrent processing

[§46-15.7] Concurrent processing. When amendments to a county community or development plan, a county zoning map, or any combination of the two, are necessary to permit the development of a housing project, requests for amendments to these plans and zoning maps shall be allowed, if accepted for processing by the county, to be processed concurrently at the request of the applicant. In addition, upon the request of the applicant, these plan and zoning map amendment requests may be processed concurrently with any request to the state land use commission for the redesignation of lands which would permit the development of the housing project.

For the purposes of this section:

“County community or development plan” means a relatively detailed plan for an area or region within a county to implement the objectives and policies of a county general plan.

“Housing project” means a plan, design, or undertaking for the development of single- or multi-family housing, including any affordable housing component which may be required by the county council. A housing project may also include ancillary uses such as commercial and industrial uses which are an integral part of the development. [L 1994, c 262, §1]

Cross References

Facilitated application process, see §201-62.

Law Journals and Reviews

The Scramble to Protect the American Dream in Paradise: Is Affordable Housing Possible in Hawaii? 10 HBJ No. 13, at pg. 37.