Hawaii Seal Hawaii Revised Statutes


Deposit of securities

§46-52 Deposit of securities. The directors of finance of the several counties may deposit for safekeeping with the state director of finance securities deposited with them by the banks with whom they have deposits. The duly authorized representatives of any bank shall at all times during the office hours of the state director of finance have access to the security or securities belonging to the bank deposited with the state director of finance by the directors of finance of the several counties for the purpose of examining the same and removing such coupons as may have matured, the examination to be made in the presence of the state director of finance or the director’s representative. [L 1935, c 25, §2; RL 1945, §6009; RL 1955, §138-17; am L Sp 1959 2d, c 1, §14; am L 1963, c 114, §1; HRS §46-52; gen ch 1985]